The Best Mobile Testing Tools Of 2015

Mobile App Testing
Since mobile device usage keeps on increasing as well as mobile app downloads have increased to millions, other languages and the tools would certainly come up to allow developers in order to generate more great apps which would help testers enhance app quality. Testers may actually make use of more efficient testing frameworks in order to improve their work, improve test coverage and support CI. Apple recently launched Swift which is the new, modern-day mobile programming language for the iOS. Those into iOS app development have been using it widely and the language keeps going up the lists of many used coding languages. It takes the place of the Objective-C, which has been used for 3 decades.

Below are the most popular mobile testing tools that are being found to be used by many of the testers in 2015 around the globe.

Appium - By using Appium it's possible to run WebDriver tests on hybrid & native iOS and also Android apps. There is no need of doing something special on your app, simply provide an URL into the zipped version of .app file at the desired capabilities then Appium will extract it and will run tests against it within an iOS Simulator. As Appium utilizes the WebDriver protocol, you may use any programming language that you would like in order to run tests against it.

MonkeyTalk - Both of the testers and the developers make use of this functional test for iOS and Android apps. It includes 3 components - IDE, Agent and also scripts. IDE creates test scripts by record & playback. While Agent is the test instrumentation library to that app links. Scripts go with basic keyword syntax along with JavaScript or Java APIs. The tests could be data-driven from the spreadsheet with the help of CVS format.

Calabash - It contains 2 open source libraries, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. One is for the iOS and other is for Android, that automate testing for the native or the hybrid mobile applications. Combined with Cucumber, the test cases are being written using natural language after that translated to test scripts which run in the framework.

Robotium - It is an open source library focused completely on Android UI testing. Robotium is needed for the black box automated testing for web, native and for hybrid mobile applications. Making use of it along with the TestDroid Recorder, test scripts of JavaScript are created while the tester goes across the UI on the mobile app within the test. One free extension library named ExtSolo includes auto-scaling, multi-path dragging for several display resolutions along with other abilities.

Selendroid - It is a test automation framework that drives away the UI of the Android native and the hybrid apps as well as the mobile web. The tests are generally written with the Selenium 2 client API. It can be utilized on emulators as well as real devices and could be integrated like a node to the Selenium Grid for the scaling and for the parallel testing. Use of Selendroid needs an understanding of how to work with Selenium.

UIAutomator - The framework UIAutomator allows you to test the user interface (UI) effectively through creating automated functional UI test cases which can be run against the app over one or even more devices. JavaScript is used for writing the scripts. UIAutomatorViewer is needed to run & examine test results.

UIAutomation - It is an Apple’s test automation framework for the iOS apps. To run the device UI, JavaScript is used. Being a proprietary tool, UIAutomation doesn't perform good to other tools or even methodologies like CI. Neither can it be used for managing test cases nor do suites like some other frameworks.

Frank - It is an iOS testing framework for the iOS apps. It is combined with Cucumber and JSON. A statically connected server in the mobile app within test interprets JSON and makes use of UISpec for the execution. Though it has got the benefit of not in need of app code changes, it's difficult to run straight on devices. The tools are best suited for emulators as well as for web-based applications.

KIF - Keep It Functional or KIF is actually an open source framework for iOS UI testing. KIF uses the Accessibility APIs created into the iOS to simulate actual user interactions. The tests are written in Objective-C, that is actually known to iOS developers, although not to test teams.

iOS Driver - It uses Selenium and WebDriver API towards testing iOS mobile applications. iOS Driver's default is for running on emulators, in which execution is much faster and also scalable. The existing version does work with devices, however, executes even more slowly in this case. No app source code needs modification with no added applications are loaded in the device within the test. It is built in order to run like a Selenium grid node, which increases the test speed since it allows parallel GUI testing.

Each and every framework does have its benefits and drawbacks, and all needs to be measured based on the requirements of the testing company and also the software products that are being delivered.
The Best Mobile Testing Tools Of 2015 The Best Mobile Testing Tools Of 2015 Reviewed by Nellon on 00:42:00 Rating: 5

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